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Gerard Coquerel

University of Rouen Normandy

Gérard Coquerel was born in March 1955. He has made his whole academic cursus at the University of Rouen. He started first to specialize in inorganic chemistry (PhD in July 1981) and then in solid state chemistry of organic components (Docteur d’État June 1986 i.e. Habilitation, in collaboration with Jean Jacques at the Collège de France in Paris). He is Professor at the University of Rouen Normandy since September 1997, Head of the research unit: ‘Crystal Genesis Unit’ that he created. This research group has been structured into an independent laboratory in January 1998 by the French Ministry of Research under the official affiliation number EA 3233.

His main research activities are focused on: chirality, resolution of chiral molecules and deracemization, phase diagram determinations, molecular recognition, polymorphism, solvates and desolvation mechanisms, nucleation and crystal growth of molecular compounds, purification by using crystallization, defects in crystals. Part of these activities are fundamentals and another part is dedicated to more applied researches with a strong impact in pharmaceutical , cosmetic and fine chemistry industries.

Gérard Coquerel was born in March 1955. He has made his whole academic cursus at the University of Rouen. He started first to specialize in inorganic chemistry (PhD in July 1981) and then in solid state chemistry of organic components (Docteur d’État June 1986 i.e. Habilitation, in collaboration with Jean Jacques at the Collège de France in Paris). He is Professor at the University of Rouen Normandy since September 1997, Head of the research unit: ‘Crystal Genesis Unit’ that he created. This research group has been structured into an independent laboratory in January 1998 by the French Ministry of Research under the official affiliation number EA 3233.

His main research activities are focused on: chirality, resolution of chiral molecules and deracemization, phase diagram determinations, molecular recognition, polymorphism, solvates and desolvation mechanisms, nucleation and crystal growth of molecular compounds, purification by using crystallization, defects in crystals. Part of these activities are fundamentals and another part is dedicated to more applied researches with a strong impact in pharmaceutical , cosmetic and fine chemistry industries.