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Milind Parle

Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Educators

Professor Milind Parle is an outstanding Researcher, Eminent Educationist and a Visionary. Dr. Milind Parle is presently the President of Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Educators. He served G. J.  University of Science and Technology, Hisar as a Chairman, Dept. of Pharm. Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy, Dean, Faculty of Pharm. Sciences and subsequently the Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences. Dr. Parle has more than 40 years of Teaching, Administrative and Research experience. His students are holding senior positions in Pharm. Industries, Academia and  Research laboratories all over the globe. Dr. Parle has an impressive h - index of 42,   I-10 index of 97 and his  480 research articles carry  more than 6000  Citations. The areas of Research of Prof. Parle include : Cancer Research, Neuropharmacology, Behavioral Pharmacology, Autism, Indian Systems of Medicine, Psychopharmacology, etc. His Research work finds space in widely cited Pharmacy Journals. such as Anti-Cancer Drugs, PLOS ONE, Psychopharmacology,  European J. Biomedical and Pharm. Sciences, Phytomedicine, Pharmaceutical Biology, Ethnopharmacology, Pharmacological Reports,  Neurochemical Research etc. E-CAM, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports, EC Neurology, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology, Asian J. Biocience, Int. J. Plant Sciences, ACS, Omega, etc.

The thought provoking academic talks delivered by Dr. Parle as an invited speaker during National and International conferences reflect his ingenious research aptitude and communication skills. He presented four research papers in 20th International Conference of Alzheimer’s disease held at Kyoto (Japan) in 2004. Prof.  Parle was invited as a Plenary speaker by Malaysian Govt. in Aug. 2014 to share his research experience at Mara University of Technology, Puncak Alam, Malaysia. He successfully organized several Conferences//Workshops related to “Pharmacy-Profession, Health Care and Management of Neuro-degenerative disorders” at the first Science and Technology University of Haryana State. Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, G. J. University of Science and Technology, Hisar put on record his appreciation for Dr. Parle by issuing an Appreciation letter for overall contribution in University Growth and outstanding achievements of Dr. Parle. He has so far guided more than 60 M. Pharm Research projects and Fifteen  Doctoral Theses. He is presently supervising a Dept of Science and Technology, New Delhi sponsored Inspire PhD Research project on Autism.  Prof. Milind Parle serves as an Expert for Pharmacy Council of India, AICTE, UPSC, NBA, ICMR , UGC, New Delhi, as an External examiner for doctoral theses at international level   and as an Expert for several Expert committees constituted for Ethical Experimentation in animals and human beings. Presently he is pursuing active Clinical Research in collaboration with senior neurologists and psychiatrists of Hisar at Shakti Neurocentre (With Dr. G. P. Burman, MD, DM, Neurology), (Dr. Bir Singh Yadav, MD, DM, psychiatrists)  Shanti Mission Hospital and  (Dr. Narendar Gupta), Gupta Hospital, Hisar extending his promising research findings of animal studies to human patients thereby, promoting patient care and healing.  Dr. Parle was nominated as a Fellow of Hind Agri-horticultural Society (FHAS), Muzaffarnagar (UP) honoring his outstanding research work in the area of Behavioral Pharmacology. He has been nominated as the Chief Editor of the Journal “Annals of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences”. Furthermore, Dr. Milind Parle has won several Prizes and laurels in Internationally Rated Chess Tournaments. Prof. Parle has represented Delhi State in National Chess Championship and is presently an Internationally (FIDE) Rated Chess player. Association of Indian Universities (AIU) New Delhi, conferred the responsibility of conducting inter-university chess championship at GJU S&T Hisar, twice (2016 &2001) wherein Dr. Parle was the tournament director and chief arbiter.  

The fact that Prof. Parle has filed Seven Patents in the area of Psychopharmacology speak volumes of his research caliber. These patents would greatly help in discovering new medicines for the management of schizophrenia, depression, major depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's disease, and various types of headaches thereby improving the quality of life of patients. Thus, Dr. Parle has worked to enhance intellectual capacity and innovative nature of his research students by successfully executing novel ideas and converting them into patents. Prof. Parle has bagged more than 70 Best Research Paper Awards in national and international conferences. The thought provoking academic talks delivered by Dr. Parle as an invited speaker during National and International conferences reflect his ingenious research aptitude and communication skills. Prof. Parle has represented Delhi State in National Chess Championship and is presently an Internationally (FIDE) Rated Chess player.  An Indian Patent has been granted recently to Prof. Parle and  has several more patents in pipeline.  Prof. Parle was conferred coveted Rashtriya  Gaurav Award - 2013 at India International centre, New Delhi at the hands of Chief Election Commissioner for his outstanding achievements.  Dr. Parle was conferred the Best Pharmacy Teacher Award (Haryana State) for the year 2015  during second Annual Conference of Association of Pharmacy Teachers of India (APTI) held at M.D. University, Rohtak at the hands of State Drugs Controller, Haryana State and Vice Chancellor, M. D. University, Rohtak. Recently, Prof. Milind Parle was conferred prestigious Eminent Educationist of India Award at Indo American Summit held in Sept. 2016 in  New Delhi for his innovative ideas and exceptional contribution for the growth of  Pharmacy Education in India. More recently, 21st Annual APTI National Convention was held at Manipal University, Manipal in Oct. 2016 to mark the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the formation of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI). During the inaugural session of this National  Convention, the most Prestigious Award Pharmacy Teacher of the Year - Award was conferred to Dr. Milind Parle. More recently, most coveted Pharma Ratan - 2016 Award was conferred to Prof. Milind Parle, at the hands of Dr. G. N. Singh, Drugs Controller General of India at India International Centre, New Delhi in Dec., 2016 for being an exemplary Academician. These are just a few accomplishments of   Prof. Milind Parle summarized in brief.

Despite above grand accomplishments, Dr. Milind Parle is a simple, down-to-earth humble and compassionate human being loved by his fellow colleagues, friends, family acquaintances and students of different generations.