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Vitalii Kovalchuk

Cambridge University

United KIngdom

Professor Vitalii Kovalchuk is a Head of Department of Neurological Rehabilitation and a Head of Medical Rehabilitation Centre.

He had graduated St.-Petersburg Medical University in 1993.

He passed scientific and practical training in Germany (Saarland University, Homburg-Saar, 1993) and in UK (various Universities and clinics of London, Edinburgh, and Newcastle, 1997, 1998, and 1999).

Career: resident (St.-Petersburg Medical University, 1993-1995); researcher (St.-Petersburg Medical University, 1995-1997); associated professor (St.-Petersburg University, 2008-2011); Honorary Doctorate of Letters (since 2013), Vice-President of World Congress of Arts, Sciences and Communications (since 2015).

Career Related: Fellow of UK Stroke Association (since 1998); Chairman of St.-Petersburg's Society of Rehabilitation (since 2008); Adjunct Professor of Neurological Association of North West Region (since 2009); Adjunct Professor of European Academy of Natural Sciences (since 2012); Adjunct Professor of University of Cambridge (since 2014); Fellow of Presidium of St.-Petersburg's Neurological Association (since 2016).