Preliminary Agenda

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Tentative Conference Program

Conference Schedule

Day 01 Full Schedule

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Opening Ceremony

We are excited to embark on this journey together, supporting and inspiring one another along the way.

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Keynote Speaker

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Presentation Title: Evaluation of Intensive Care Unit and Comparing it with Existing Standards in Selected Hospitals in Tehran

Seyed Hossein Ardehali

Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences


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Presentation Title: Comunication Abilities as a Quality Indicator in Perinatal Palliative Care Nursing

Rita Rufo Cardarelli

Hospital Pereira Rossell


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Presentation Title: Reliability Modelling of Industry System

Dr. Yaqoob Mubarak Mohamed Al Rahbi

International Maritime College Oman


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Lunch Break

Savor the flavors of a mouthwatering lunch that will leave you satisfied.

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Presentation Title: Early Warning Tool: AIFELL Triage Prediction Sores for COVID-19 Suspected Patients and Mortality Risk

Zeinab MM Hassan

Hashemite University


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Presentation Title: Legal Regulation for Oncological Assistance to Children in Russia and Abroad.

Karen Amlaev

Stavropol State Medical University

Russian Federation

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Presentation Title: Breastfeeding and stomatognathic development.

Cinzia Maspero

University of Milan


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Tea/ Snacks Break

A cup of tea is an invitation to relax and enjoy the present moment.

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Presentation Title: Evaluating Bayesian Inference with Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Simulation Method for Length of Stay Prediction

Alaina Shariff

University of Edinburgh

United Kingdom

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Poster Presentation

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Photo Session

Every picture tells a story, captured in a moment frozen in time." They take us back to the people we meet, the places we've been, and the moments we never want to forget.

Day 02 Full Schedule

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Plenary Talk

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Presentation Title: The Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Self-Care Ability and Disability Level in Elderly Patients with Chronic Diseases

Tiemei Wang

The Third People's Hospital of Chengdu &The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Jiaotong University


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Presentation Title: Improving Transitions of Care and Reducing Hospital Readmissions: What is the Nurse's Role?

Brian W Jack

Boston University


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Presentation Title: Trimethylamine N-Oxide and cancer

Adeleh Khodabakhshi

Kerman University of Medical Sciences


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Group Discussions

A diverse group of individuals with a shared purpose can achieve extraordinary results.

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Lunch Break

Savor the flavors of a mouthwatering lunch that will leave you satisfied.

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Presentation Title: Ingested Placenta Blocks the Effect of Morphine on Gut Transit

James W. Corpening

 Suny University at Buffalo


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Presentation Title: A Quantum-Sensitive Mechanism of Pain Signal Transmission to Different Organs and Age-Dependent Decline of Endogenous Pain Control

Sinerik Ayrapetyan

 UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences


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Photo Session

Every picture tells a story, captured in a moment frozen in time." They take us back to the people we meet, the places we've been, and the moments we never want to forget.

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Awards Distribution

The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.

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Gathering & welcome speech

Consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt labore dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exion ullaoaris nisi ut aliquipa ex ea commodo consequat aute irure dolor.

Robin meany

Senior manager
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Getting Back into The Deliverables Business

Consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt labore dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exion ullaoaris nisi ut aliquipa ex ea commodo consequat aute irure dolor.

Robin meany

Senior manager

Lunch break

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Successful Marketing Strategy

Consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt labore dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exion ullaoaris nisi ut aliquipa ex ea commodo consequat aute irure dolor.

Robin meany

Senior manager