
We always welcome Sponsorship of individual activities during the conference. Some of them are

Welcome Drinks:

As participants arrive and register the event before the conference starts you would have the opportunity to showcase your company and its products and services. This usually takes the form of a casual meet & greet and offers an ideal opportunity to meet participants in an informal setting. Duration is typically 1 hour. One welcome drinks sponsorship is available.

Conference Lunch:

• As a sponsor of a conference lunch you are entitled to provide signage in the lunch room on the day of your sponsored lunch. Signage will be restricted to only that of the lunch sponsor for the given day.

• Time can be allocated for a short presentation, or a demonstration. Company Literature and Giveaway: At your conference lunch, you will have the opportunity to distribute items of your company’s literature and gifts/giveaways.

• As a conference lunch sponsor your company’s name and logo will appear on the conference website, in the conference proceedings (within production schedules), and on a display board in the conference registration area.

Conference Refreshment Breaks:

There are two refreshment breaks on each day of the conference. In addition to tea and coffee, soft drinks are served together with snacks such as cookies and fruit etc. Conference attendees often linger over a drink and a snack for discussions during and after these breaks. Sponsorship includes tea and coffee breaks for a single day of the conference.

Conference Dinner:

• A conference dinner is held during the evening of the first conference day. This is always well attended as participants take the opportunity to network and establish contacts in a relaxed setting. There is generally a pre-dinner beverage followed by a sit down 3 course meal.

• As sponsor of the conference dinner your company name and logo will be featured at the dinner venue.

• As sponsor of the dinner you will have the opportunity to address the attendees during the evening.

• You will have the opportunity to distribute items of your company’s literature and gifts/giveaways at a display table.

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities:

• A time slot can be created within a Conference stream to allow a sponsor to make a presentation. This would be carefully co-coordinated to allow for a smooth transition between academic presenters and sponsors. Typical time slots are 30 minutes.

•​​​​​​​ Computer systems and overhead projectors are available. We would request that the presentation be made available to be preloaded in advance onto the system. The presentation/demonstration would be publicized in advance on our web site and on the Conference Brochures.

•​​​​​​​ The event could be further enhanced by inclusion in our Conference “Joining Instructions” which are e-mailed to registered participants just prior to the Conference. A limited amount of print space is available on or printed Conference Proceedings as well as the DVD case containing the Conference proceedings on CD.



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