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Yalei Zhang

Tongji University

Professor Zhang received his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Tongji University in 1999. He has published to date over 270 refereed articles in professional journals and 7 books. Additionally, he has hold more than eighty patents for the waste water treatment techniques.

Dr Zhang's research focuses on Microalgae Cultivation and Resource Recovery, Methods for the Energy Regeneration and Resource Recovery from wastewater, Environmental Fate of Emerging Pollutants/Micropollutants, and Wastewater Treatment by Advanced Environmental Functional materials. Dr Zhang's current research topics include the regulation mechanism of microalgae cultivation using wastewater and the resource recovery from microalgae biomass, occurrence, fate and removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in aquatic environments, and optimization of bacteria in the degradation of heavy metal, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in wastewater.

Dr Zhang's current scholarly activities and professional services include the council member of the international water association (IWA) in China, the Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering (IJABE) and China Environmental Science (CES), the professional memberships of International Water Association (IWA) and American Chemical Society (ACS), Director of Institute of Engineering and Industry of Tongji University, Director of Chongming ecological island technology promotion center of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, the proposal reviewers of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and the manuscript reviewer of Elsevier Journals, including Chemical Engineering Journal, Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Bioresource Technology, Science of the Total Environment, etc.